Password Security

According to Hive systems an 8 character password consisting of numbers, upper & lower case letters & special symbols can be revealed – using brute force attacks – in 5 minutes.

If you use the same password for multiple accounts, can you imagine the damage that could be done after a hacker cracks your password in five minutes?

That is why multi-factor authorization for high value targets (for example: your work VPN) is now necessary.

In the absence of multi-factor authentication, all vulnerable assets (for example: “wifi” & IMAP e-mail) should have complex passwords that are at least 15 characters long. That complexity would require the use of a password manager – as you won’t be able to remember such complex and long passwords. (This story drives home the point about having a strong password regime at your business and this story shows that private E-mail is a better bet.)

The moral of the story is this; It is long past time for everyone to start taking cybersecurity seriously. If you’re ready to have a free one hour conversation about how IRQ Solutions can be a part of your cybersecurity implementation, please contact us today…